Lakeside has to be one of the most highly-rated users of technology among all of the special schools that I have had the privilege of visiting over the past five years. The dedication and expertise of all staff, allied to the caring ethos that permeates every corner of the school, is highly commendable." ICTMarks

Main Teaching Staff 2024

All classes are supported by a fantastic team of Nursery Nurses, Teaching Assistants and Apprentices – too numerous to mention individually – too important to leave out.

Mrs Lynnette Johnson
Lynnette Johnson is a very experienced special needs teacher. She joined Lakeside as Assistant Head to lead our Autism Team and is a specialist in behaviour support. She later took on the role as deputy head and our autism provision continued to grow and improve., Her passion is for supporting families and working directly with parents. She has been the school's Headteacher since September 2018.
Mrs Lynne Frewin
Deputy Head
Lynne Frewin joined us in Sept 2015. She has a great deal of experience working in SLD schools and has worked as an Assistant Head at another local special school. Lynne took on the role of Assessment Manager and has made a huge impact on our assessment practices. She became Deputy Headteacher in September 2018.